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The word is the word.

I'm a word doctor, grammar surgeon, syntactical proctologist and style EMT. I also do postmortems and raise books from the dead. I'm magic!

How I work.

As a writer, I know what it's like to look down the barrel of a red pen. As an editor, I know what it's like to point that pen. It can be daunting from either side, or it can be fun and fulfilling.
I don't change text just because I might like to say it differently. But if it's confusing, ambiguous or flat-out wrong, I'll let you know.
Don't worry, though. I'll remember that it's your baby. 




  • The Eerie Brothers and the Witches of Autumn, Sheldon Higdon. Scary Dairy Press 2023.
  • Robby Run, Sutton Stern. South Town Press 2021.
  • The Black Ring, William Westbrook. McBooks Press 2018.
  • The Shantyman, Rick Spilman. Old Salt Press 2015. Copyedit.
  • Sapient Farm, Querus Abuttu. Scary Dairy Press 2014.
  • Blackwell's Homecoming, V. E. Ulett. Old Salt Press 2014.
  • Hell Around the Horn by Rick Spilman. Old Salt Press 2012. Copyedit.




  • Vinyl Cuts, Querus Abuttu and Broos Campbell, eds. Scary Dairy Press, 2024.
  • Monstrous Feminine, Cin Ferguson and Broos Campbell, eds. Scary Dairy Press 2019.
  • Terror Politico, Querus Abuttu and Broos Campbell, eds. Scary Dairy Press, 2019.
  • Mother's Revenge, Querus Abuttu and Broos Campbell, eds. Scary Dairy Press, 2017.


  • Washington: The Nature of Innovation by Bob Condor, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2009.
  • Buffalo: A Waterfront City Transformed by Philip Nyhuis, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2009.
  • Cincinnati: Bridges to the Future by Kevin Eigelbach and Linda Chase, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2008.
  • Aurora: A City Second to None by Jeanne Bodor Larson, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2008.
  • Bloomington: A Sesquicentennial Celebration by John "Chuck" Chalberg, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2007.
  • Nebraska: Centered on the Land by Cindy Murphy McMahon and Michael Goodwin, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2007.
  • Alabama: The Progress, the Promise by Ralph Stacy and Kristina Sauerwein, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2006.
  • Delaware: Incorporating Vision in Industry by Carol Kipp, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2006.
  • Greater Phoenix: Expanding Horizons, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2005. I'm listed as the author on Amazon, but I only wrote some of it.
  • Dayton: On the Wings of Progress by Lester A. Reingold, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2005.


Business development books (as B. D. Campbell)

  • Wisconsin: Can. Do., with Linda Chase and Tina G. Rubin, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2014.
  • Chapters on agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation and energy in New Jersey, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2013.
  • Fort Worth: Energized for the Future, various chapters, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2012.
  • Minneapolis Saint Paul: Two Cities, One Vision, various chapters, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2012.
  • Virginia: A Commonwealth of Opportunity, various chapters, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2012.
  • Columbus, Ohio: A Smart, Sustainable City, with Tina G. Rubin, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2012.
  • Colorado: Innovation and New Technologies, various chapters, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2012.
  • West Virginia: Pinnacles of Progress, Cherbo Publishing Group, 2011.
  • Washington: The State of Innovation (industry chapters), Cherbo Publishing Group, 2009
  • Delaware: Incorporating Vision in Industry (industry section), Cherbo Publishing Group, 2006




Magazine and newspaper articles, listicles, clickbait crap, movie reviews, and articles of interest to the sort of people who used to read alternative newsweeklies.